
The Cross innovation Hub is focussed on creating opportunities for staff and the wider patient and public community. We are providing you with as many avenues as possible to advance eye health clinical management and research.


We host a series of events. The events bring clinicians and researchers together to foster new collaborations in vision research in different ways. Our meetings often host speakers who have knowledge of successful interdisciplinary collaborations and include 'speed' networking sessions where people interact and foster collaborations with many people they wouldn't usually meet in their day-to-day work.

Shadowing opportunities

We have encouraged shadowing opportunities between MEH and IOO. This enables researchers and clinicians to visit each other's work spaces for a few hours at a time and gain real insight into their own and other's work. Shadowing facilitates a clearer understanding of the challenges and benefits of each role

Grand challenges

Grand Challenges are when we collaborate to reach milestones that can seem almost unattainable... by thinking big. For scientists it is an opportunity to deliver something exciting. Something worthwhile to the world that has the potential to impact human life positively. In our current fast-paced climate, it is an opportunity to access sources of funding that might otherwise be inaccessible.

Cross Innovation Grants

These grants are for when we collaborate on something small. This scheme offer researchers and clinicians

the chance to apply for a small grant. The grant could enable them to test an idea or get clearer results.

Which in turn we hope will lead to larger scale trials. The process is simple.

If you would like to take advantage of any of these opportunities join the hub.